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Practical implementation of varenicline as an aid to smoking cessation in clinical practice


Serena Tonstad
Practical implementation of varenicline as an aid to smoking cessation in clinical practice
Serena Tonstad
Loma Linda School of Public Health (LLU-SPH) Norway.

Contact: Serena Tonstad,


Varenicline is a non-nicotinic medication developed as an aid for people who are trying to stop smoking and is the third class of drug, after nicotine replacement therapy and bupropion, to be approved for smoking cessation. Varenicline can be prescribed as a treatment for patients who have never tried medication for smoking cessation as well as for those in whom other treatments have not been successful. Practical suggestions are made for implementing smoking cessation with varenicline.
Key words: varenicline, smoking cessation, non-nicotinic aids