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Clinical cases

Pulmonary hydatic cyst – a case report

Cristian Iorga, Victor Strambu, Cristina Puscu, Silviu Stoian, Petru Radu, Florian Popa
Pulmonary hydatic cyst – a case report

We presented the case of a patient diagnosed in our clinic with pulmonary hydatid cyst, the discovery beeing incidental, during the investigations for a febrile syndrome accompanied by cough and thoracic pain. Pulmonary Hydatidosis is a disease caused by the location and growing inside the lungs of larval form of Taenia echinococcus granulosus, the way of infection is digestive. Hydatid cyst is a rare pathology, the incidence is higher in some populations related to professions such as sheep or goat raising. Pulmonary cyst diagnosis is made by imagistic methods(chest x-ray, CT, MRI) and bio-umoral methods (white cell count, specific serology), anamnesis and clinical exam can be inconclusive.

The treatment of the hidatid cyst is surgical, medical treatment (antibiotic, parasiticid) has some specific indication. So we administer antibiotics when we have bacterial suprainfection and parasiticid postoperatively for preventing recurrences or when we suspected rupture of the cyst.

From the surgical methods cystectomy followed by capitonnage of the residual cavity (Dor procedure) is to be chosen, so that this fulfills the objectives of removing the cyst and treating the residual cavity with preserving as much as possible from the lung tissue.

Key words: pulmonary hidatidosis, Dor procedure