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Letters to Editor

New arguments for NIV efficacy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure from the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Laura Ciobanu, Antonio Esquinas, Daniela Boișteanu
New arguments for NIV efficacy in the treatment of acute respiratory failure from the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Dear Editor We have read with great interest this original observation of two women aged 42 and respectively 38, who presented to the Emergency Department presenting rapid weight gain, abdominal distension, dry cough and increasing dyspnea following the 11-day in-vitro fertilization protocol. The ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) was described as a rare complication of assisted reproductive techniques (ART), potentially resulting in severe cases of hypoxemic acute respiratory failure (ARF)1. The underlying mechanism is increased vascular permeability leading to a massive fluid shift from the intravascular to the extravascular compartment, intravascular hypovolemia, hypotension, reduced cardiac output, edema, ascites and hydrothorax2.