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Roxana Silvia Bumbăcea1, Laura David2

1 Spitalul Universitar de Urgenţă Elias, UMF Carol Davila, Bucureşti
2 Centrul Medical de Diagnostic şi Tratament Ambulator Washington, Bucureşti


The role of allergological tests in asthma


In order to establish the allergic etiology of asthma, the clinician must correlate some anamnestic details with those offered by the in vivo and in vitro allergological tests. Some specific allergic anamnestic informations (such as particular conditions of starting or worsening, co-existance of other allergic disorders, family atopic status) can be revealed by any experimented clinician but the performance of cutaneous tests must be done only by an allergologist. EAACI recommends allergological prick tests as a reference method; it must be done only with standardized extracts; it has the optimal

diagnostic sensibility. Among the in vitro tests, determination of allergenic specific IgE has a less sensibility and specificity value; Pharmacia UNI-CAP remains the best in vitro method. The diagnostic of an allergic asthma must be followed by prophylactic measures directed against specific allergens and, in appropriate cases, by immunotherapy with allergenic vaccines.

Key words: allergic asthma, inhalant allergens, allergic cutaneous tests, specific IgE