romana english

Unilateral salpingian and ovarian TB, a rare form of extrapulmonary TB


Beatrice Mahler1, Constantin Marica2, Nicolae Galie 3, Ruxandra Ulmeanu3, Paul Galbenu.3, Stefan Badea 4

1Institutul de Pneumologie Marius Nasta,Bucuresti, Catedra de Fiziopatologie si Imunologie I, UMF „Carol Davila" Bucuresti,
2Institutul de Pneumologie Marius Nasta,Bucuresti, Catedra de Pneumologie, UMF „Carol Davila" Bucuresti,
3Institutul de Pneumologie Marius Nasta,Bucuresti.
4 Spitalul Caritas, Bucuresti

Contact: Beatrice Mahler, Institutul de Pneumologie „Marius Nasta", Sos. Viilor 90, Bucuresti,


TB salpingitis and ovarian TB is a rare association of extrapulmonary tuberculosis, especially when the lesions are not associated with lung involvement. The correct therapy leads to the sterilization of the tuberculosis foci, although the risk of scars and adhesions is high, causing local functional disorders.
Key words: salpings, ovary, tuberculosis