romana english

Tuberculosis in Romania

Proportion and site distribution of extrarespiratory tuberculosis in 2007-2010 in Romania

Cristian Didilescu1, Mihaela Tanasescu2 Contact: Cristian Didilescu, email:
1. Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Craiova; 2. Institutul de Pneumologie „Marius Nasta”, Bucuresti


In the actual context of an increased TB endemia (notification rate of 90.5%ooo, meaning 21457 cases in 2010, but with a constant decreasing trend in the last 8 years), we wanted to see what is the share and structure of extra-respiratory tuberculosis in the period 2007-2010. In the interval 2007-2010 have been registered annually between 1252-1267 extra-respiratory TB cases. Extra-respiratory TB have been between 30% and 42,1% from all TB cases registered annually with the extra-pulmonary TB. In the descending order of cases recorded with TB extra respiratory in 2010, the first was extra-thoracic ganglionary TB (244 cases), followed by osteo-articulary (233) and those of meningo-encephalitis and CNS TB (133). Location of TB on the spine remains the most common form of skeletal TB, representing 62.2% (145 cases) of all osteo-articulary locations. The number of registered cases of pericardial effusions TB annually remains steady at 40-50 cases. The number still high of meningo encephalitis TB (severe prognosis, epidemiological severity) involves enhanced accountability measures in TB control of the territory. The collaboration between the pulmonologist and the body specialist constitutes compulsory condition of quality assistance in case of TB extra respiratory sites.

Keywords: tuberculosis, epidemiology, extra-respiratory